Dear Ed - very much enjoyed the substack post. I agree... you are essentially echoing the 'Energy Cost of Energy' points made by Dr Tim Morgan, formerly of Tullett Prebon, in his 2013 report entitled Perfect Storm – "Energy, Finance and the End of Growth". You can find the report here: https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf. It's worth re-reading.

And you are quite right that the developing world isn't going to stand for being forcibly deindustrialised. You'll have noticed that there is a strong minority also in the developed world that "disagrees with George"... my question to you is why are you "like George ... in the getting-rid-of-fossil-fuels" camp?

Perhaps the 'Like George' camp have missed what the developing worlds have realised, namely that

- the climate alarmists' prophesies of doom keep on not coming to pass

- the IPCC have substantially watered down their expectations regarding future warming, and the mainstream researchers agree that the ‘tipping point’ scaremongering (encapsulated by the long-out-of-date-but-gutter-press-favourite RCP8.5 pathway) of recent years was just embarrassing nonsense (https://gmd.copernicus.org/preprints/gmd-2023-176/).

- and the simplistic thesis that manmade CO2 might be "causing" material (!) climate change is looking increasingly shaky, and a cultish belief in this simplistic belief is looking more and more like a false religion. See more here: https://reaction.life/the-religion-of-climate-alarmism/.

I am quite aligned with Ambrose-Evans Pritchard in the Telegraph: “We no longer need the COP circus – technology and markets are already solving the climate crisis” (though I never saw it as a 'climate crisis' in the first place). See https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/12/05/cop28-circus-technology-markets-solve-climate-crisis/.

This is not the time to accelerate our path to deindustrialisation and pauperisation. Better to take stock, ensure we have energy security and reassess how far 'TheScience' has led us down a blind alley.

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Excellent post. It is very easy for energy rich citizens of developed nations to talk about keeping fossil fuels in the ground where they belong as they move over well developed infrastructure, flip switches to have cheap heating or cooling, and run their modern technology while expecting citizens of poorer nations to be satisfied with living as if they were still in the 19th century. The utopians have great passion but little, if any, common sense or concern about the lives they are damaging with their pie in the sky plans.

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