
A rolling list of events, live and online, where I'll be talking about Material World


15 June 18:30: Tortoise Think-In - London & online

19 June 13:00: Intelligence Squared - online

19 June 17:30: Resolution Foundation - London & online

26 June 19:00: How To Academy “A Night to Remember” - London

28 June 12:30: Talk at NIESR - London

1 July 12:15: Chalke Valley History Festival - Wiltshire

16 November 10:30: Bristol Festival of Ideas - Bristol

30 November 18:30: Works In Progress event, London


10 January: Backstory, London

2 August: Wilderness Festival, Oxfordshire

19 August: Edinburgh International Book Festival, Edinburgh

22 August: Waterstones Piccadilly, London

15 September: Chiswick Book Festival

27 October: Wimbledon Book Festival

If you’re interested in Material World and want to hold a public event - or have any other publicity inquiries - do get in touch with Laura from Penguin.

If you are interested in a private event related to the book, please contact Chartwell speakers.